To help you find people of interest in our documents, we have compiled a number of surname lists. The lists currently available are –
- Wills
o Testators
o 16th century wills – beneficiaries and executors
o 17th century wills – beneficiaries and executors
o 18th century wills – beneficiaries and executors
o 19th century wills – beneficiaries and executors - Surnames found in the accounts of the overseers of the poor – these include people in the 18th century receiving support, overseers, suppliers of goods & services. There are 3 books available on the ‘Resources’ page, so the list shows which books are relevant to each surname
- Surnames in the 1831 terrier – occupiers and owners of land in the village
- Names linked to the many village pubs – landlords and managers
- Surnames in the parish registers – including the different spellings used
- Surnames in monumental inscriptions – include both people buried in East Ilsley and family members mentioned in the inscriptions
We will be adding more lists in due course, so bookmark this page for future reference.