(Best Information as at 2021)
Number | Location | Pub Name (Including name changes) | Dates (where there is documentary evidence) |
1 | High Street (Star Cottages) | Star | from before 1790 to 2006 (buildings probably date back to 1600’s) |
2 | High Street | Old Crown Swan | 1650 (incorporated into Swan) from before 1711 to present (probably in existence from before 1600’s) |
3 | High Street | French Horn (formerly New Crown) Crown & Horns | 1759 to 1797 1797 to present |
4 | High Street (White Hollow/Kateshill) | Black Horse Lamb | From before 1770 to 1890 1890 to 1964 |
5 | High Street (Wheatsheaf House) | White Horse | From 1782 to 1907 |
6 | High Street (White Hart Cottages) | White Hart | From 1815 to 1931 |
7 | High Street (Hobland House) | Red Lion Cricketers Wheatsheaf | 1815 to 1844, & 1872 to 1890 1847 to 1869 1891 to 1907 |
8 | Fidlers Lane (across from Swan) | Waggon & Horses Sun | 1840 1847 to 1965 |
9 | High Street (near Hill House) | Wheatsheaf | 1840 |
10 | On car park of Crown & Horns | Greyhound | 1863 to 1894 (demolished by 1899) |
11 | Compton road (at top of the hill) | Cricketers | 1840 |
12 | Broad Street (believed to lie under Kennet House stable yard) | Lamb | From before 1770 to 1780 (demolished sometime before 1831) |
13 | Possibly Old Stanmore Road (now Leonora House) | Cross Keys | 1790 to 1870 (dates uncertain) |