We have a lot of information available on East Ilsley, the people who lived here and events that happened in the village. We will gradually be adding more information to the web-site in the form of PDF files that you can view. The first sets of data to be made available are the feature articles that are in the newsletters, census files and other name-rich resources, and poor law records. Click on the links below to go directly to these sections.
Newsletters – feature articles:
The Society usually produces two newsletters each year, with news of what sort of research is in progress and notices of exhibitions and displays of interest to the village. Each one includes a feature article on some aspect of our researches. The list below shows the research articles from the newsletters, grouped by subject matter. Click on the link below to jump directly to that section and then click on the article to view the PDF file.
Horse Racing
General Interest
- A wife of crime? (2023-Winter) – New
- Sea and sand – 2 war-time experiences (2023-Autumn) – New
- Recording the war in E. Ilsley – Terry Ashwood, war photographer (2022-Autumn)
- What links an Essex girl, the slave trade, a famous brand of gin, a Somerset schoolteacher and an Oxford academic to East Ilsley? (2021-Spring)
- Frederick Harvey 1919-1995 (2020-Autumn)
- Bandsman, John Charles Harvey 1914-1940 (2020-Spring)
- Henry Talbot – tracking the career of a jobbing gardener (2019-Autumn)
- Rowland Rose Limbert MM (2017-Spring)
- Lieutenant Frederick F. Kislingbury, 1846-1884 (2016-Autumn)
- Mary Brown: the Fair Maid of the Swan (2015-Spring)
- Smallpox epidemic in East Ilsley in 1753 (2012-Spring)
- The Ist East Ilsley Scout troop (2012-Autumn)
- In Memory of……….(2010-Winter)
- Surnames of East Ilsley (2005-Winter)
Horse racing:
- The Kennet House ‘ringer’ – a scandalous episode in East Ilsley’s horse racing history (2021-Autumn)
- Triple Crown: Lord Lyon and Achievement (2016-Autumn)
- Problems solved – mystery cottages and local bus (2019-Spring)
- Is East Ilsley older than we thought? (2016-Spring)
- The lost commons of East Ilsley (2009-Autumn)
- Pen Meadow – earthwork survey (2006-Winter)
- The search for the missing Keys (locating the Cross Keys pub) (2015-Autumn)
- The History of The Star, East Ilsley (2011-Autumn)
- East Ilsley’s hidden memorials- the third bell (2018-Autumn)
- The Memorial brass of Richard Pygott and his wife (Compton) (2018-Spring)
- A doorway to the past (dating an old watercolour of the church) (2014-Spring)
- The memorial bell (2013-Autumn)
- Face Value. A clock without a face (church clock) (2011-Spring)
- The Church Chest (2007-Summer)
- Past Jubilee celebrations (2022-Spring) – New
- Sport and Leisure in East Ilsley (2017-Autumn)
- Markets & fairs (2006-Summer)
- East Ilsley floods- can we predict the next one? (2014-Autumn)
- The extent of the Floods during the 1st half of 2001 (2008-Spring)
- Water & wells (2009-Spring)
General interest:
- Trade Tokens: local currency in the late 17th century (2010-Spring)
- Who visits our web-site? (2013-Spring)
- The Geographical Information System (2005-Summer)
- Current Research -farming and the development of East Ilsley (2004-Winter)
Census files:
More files will be added to this section as transcriptions are checked and will also include other documents which have more limited scope (e.g. only heads of households) but cover time periods before the formal censuses of 1841 to 1921.
- 1642 Protestation document
- 1765 Poor rate
- 1911 Census – Summary, Full Details
- 1921 Census – Full listing – NEW
- 1939 Register, 1939 Transcription